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HPC Autumn School 2024

This Autumn HPC School is made possible through the collaboration between the TU/e's HPC Lab, SURF & EuroCC.

TU/e's HPC Lab

The TU/e's HPC Lab aims to assist researchers with all supercomputing related matters. These include application & workflow optimization, advice on artificial intelligence and simulation. The university HPC facility, the Umbrella cluster, is managed by system administrators in the HPC Lab.

Are you a TU/e researcher who would like to explore the use of supercomputing for your research? Contact us:


SURF SURF is a cooperative association of Dutch educational and research institutions in which the members combine their strengths. Within SURF, we work together to acquire or develop the best possible digital services, and to encourage knowledge sharing through continuous innovation. The members are the owners of SURF. (


EuroCC EuroCC aims to build a European network of 33 national HPC competence centres to bridge the existing HPC skills gaps while promoting cooperation across Europe. The establishment of a European network of 33 national HPC competence centres (NCCs) is coordinated by the EuroCC project. This falls under The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) from the European Union.